sep piwik

SEP sesam Si3 Deduplication

Cost-effective inline deduplication solution

How SEP sesam deduplication works

Target Deduplication

SEP deduplication technology works with variable block lengths rather than fixed ones. The difference between the two technologies only becomes clear when a file is modified. When adjusting with fixed block lengths, all blocks must be saved again after the changed position within the file, because the template pattern no longer fits. For variable block lengths, the length of the block is changed at the changed position of the file until the template fits the rest of the file again. The software analyzes this using an algorithm. This means that only a few changed blocks have to be stored in the pool. Furthermore, SEP deduplicates sesam Si3 based on DedupStores. Identical data blocks from all backup sources that will be stored in a DedupStore are only available once, resulting in a backup storage saving of up to 90%.

The SEP solution gives administrators a free hand whether the backup server and thus the storage of the Si3 DedupStore is operated on Windows or Linux. Mounting individual backups independently of the operating system of the backup server is also possible. In addition, flexible storage solutions such as Software Defined Storage (SDS) can be used.

Source-Side Deduplication

With source-side deduplication, the focus is on efficiency when transferring backups over the network. The backup of data is faster and the network load decreases noticeably.

Source-side deduplication is used to protect distributed sites and increase data center efficiency. Every SEP sesam backup client (from version 4.4.3) contains the deduplication engine. SEP sesam Si3 Source-Side Dedup helps to significantly increase backup speeds to/from clouds, remote locations and data centers while conserving backup storage and network resources.
The SEP Si3 Source-Side Deduplication can be used hardware-independently and thus increases the flexibility when using the solution. Moving backups to a remote location or to the cloud creates a high degree of additional security. The backup storage is used optimally - there are no more duplicates on the Si3 DedupStore. Savings in data traffic over the network of up to 90% do not help to invest in expensive bandwidth expansions for connecting remote locations.

SEP Jaglion - New Features

Improved performance, scaling and storage savings - Si3-NG Dedup

  • Si3-NG - the significantly optimised SEP deduplication combines the previous great added values with considerably improved and completely new functionalities.

  • Global deduplication completely via backup, replication and client-side deduplication

  • Very effective algorithm for best dedup rates

  • Complete inline in-memory without post-processing

  • Significantly increased performance in backup, restore and migration, which according to previous benchmarks is almost on a level with the performance of a native DataStore.

  • Extension of the previous limits with regard to logical as well as physical data volumes.

  • Improved scaling through optimised redesign of CPU usage via parallel threads

  • "Direct-to-S3" without the diversions via local storage for cost- and performance-optimised operation in AWS or for using SDS storage

  • Support for direct migration from Si3 to Si3-NG

SEP Sesam on Youtube

On Demand Webinar - SEP sesam Hybrid Backup Introduction & Live Demo

  • Functionality of Si3 Inline Deduplication
  • The numerous possibilities for securing a wide variety of environments
  • Live-Demo

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SEP sesam Si3 Replication
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