sep piwik

techconsult PUR-S 2021 Award as Champion

SEP is awarded as LEADER in the sector of backup and recovery

This year the highest level as "Leader" in Backup & Recovery has been reached. Once again SEP AG was awarded by the analyst and research company techconsult as champion in the PUR-S 2021 study for its Backup & Recovery services. This year the highest level as "Leader" has been reached. The positioning from last year was thus exceeded to the top range of the diamond. The study is based on end user surveys using a representative panel in companies of all sizes and industries. The SEP team is proud of this achievement, the trust of our customers and of our partners who daily take care over customer services. This will be a motivation for us to continue providing best solutions and support.

MANY THANKS to our customers for the positive evaluations!

Download Summary of Results 331 KB

techconsult PUR-S 2020 Award as Champion

SEP once again awarded by techconsult in the area of backup and recovery

Within the scope of the solution area "Backup and Recovery" SEP received the award as champion in the techconsult PUR-S 2020 study. 

 Thus SEP achieves one of the top positions and therefore deserves a place among the champions - in the top range of the result diamond. With top ratings across all feature categories, users particularly emphasize the support of different backup types, backup automation or the selection of different backup modes. Reliability and ease of maintenance are also rated very positively. The spectrum of complementary solutions, management and integration tools as well as the range of individual solutions are rewarded by the user companies with top ratings. SEP's strong service and support is also highlighted. The presented results are based on an independent user study. 

MANY THANKS to our customers for the positive evaluations!!! 

Learn more about the SEP results from the independent user study by techconsult. Get an overview of the user evaluations and the particularly positive aspects of SEP and the SEP sesam solution.

download techconsult One-Pager

techconsult PUR-S 2020 Award Certificate

techconsult PUR-S 2020 Diamond

techconsult PUR-S 2019 Award Certificate

techconsult PUR-S 2019 Diamond

techconsult PUR-S 2018 Award

Professional User Rating: Security Solutions 2018“ (PUR-S) Backup & Recovery

The second installment of the “Professional User Rating: Security Solutions 2018” (PUR-S) is the result of ratings from more than 2,150 user companies of IT security companies and their solutions in six product areas. The evaluation covered more than 60 criteria across 14 subcategories under the dimensions of company rating and technology/solution rating. As an expression of the collective user experience, the Professional User Rating provides companies with a solid basis for selecting suitable solutions to offer, as well as how to prioritize them in the selection process from their broad IT security offering in line with their own criteria. The fact that evaluations come from companies actually using the solutions grants them high practical relevance.

Download the Research Note 2018 of techconsult about SEP now:

Download Research Note