Microsoft 365 Backup and more: SEP Cloud Application Protection Service (SEP CAPS)

Cloud applications like Microsoft 365, Salesforce, G Suite and Microsoft Dynamics offer many advantages. However, the service provider only ensures the availability of the platform. The user´s responsibility is to back up the data. SEP CAPS closes this security gap. The solution is both user-friendly and one of the most comprehensive backup solutions on the more

Cybersecurity - the human being as a risk factor

The danger of being subject to a cybercrime attack affects companies and organisations of all sizes and industries. Humans are the main risk in cyber security, because the most frequent mistakes are made by humans, e.g. by opening an email with an infected attachment or link, which infects the company's IT. Here, it is important to implement various measures as a precaution.

SEP SECURITY – Security makes the difference

SEP SECURITY - SEP puts security first and covers various security aspects that other providers cannot offer, as SEP develops the software in Germany/Europe and provides service and support from Germany.



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